WWWW.CVD Survey The 4W for proper CVD management: WHO · WHAT · WHEN · WHY "(Required)" indicates required fields Step 1 of 3 - Password 33% ENTER THE PASS CODE TO START THE SURVEY(Required) Dear Colleague, On 26 June 2024, Alfasigma will organise a stand-alone event in Athens. Prior to the wwww.CVD event, we would like to actively inter-ACT all together in the identification of met & unmet needs in CVD management. In order to do so, we have thought about warming up our discussion during the event by submitting a survey whose results will facilitate a pro-active analysis of where we are and where we should go for the best vein-lymphatic advancement. If you have agreed to participate, we kindly ask you to fill in the present survey by 9 June 2024. A warm thank you for your time and effort for the best synergy in the wwww.CVD context. We look forward to being all together on 26 June 2024. Cristina Feijoo Cano, MD, PhD Hospital Viamed Montecanal, Zaragoza (Spain) Sergio Gianesini, MD PhD FACS University of Ferrara (Italy) Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, Bethesda (USA) Ana Negreanu, MD, PhD CMDTAMP Bucharest and Carol Davila University, Bucharest (Romania) Cristiana Vitale, MD, PhD St George’s Hospital, London (UK) The results will be collected in an anonymised and aggregated form. In this regard, in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we invite you to read the privacy notice of Alfasigma. I CONFIRM THAT I HAVE READ THE PRIVACY NOTICE(Required) YES Instructions for correct compilation: You can interrupt the survey compilation at any time by pressing the 'SAVE AND CONTINUE LATER' button that you can find at the end of the survey. To resume the compilation from where you left off, you will need to access the link provided in the email sent to the address you specified. In case you cannot find the email in your inbox, we recommend checking the SPAM folder. For whatever need, do not hesitate to contact: wwww.cvd@infodyn.it Please note that all questions are mandatory Kindly report your professional profile1. Year of specialisation:(Required) Before 1973 Between 1974 and 1983 Between 1984 and 1993 Between 1994 and 2003 Between 2004 and 2013 After 2014 2. Specialty in:(Required) Angiology Vascular Medicine Vascular surgery General surgery Internal Medicine Geriatric Medicine Dermatology Radiology Cardiology Other 2. Specify other Specialty:(Required)3. Country where you work:(Required) Mexico Poland Portugal Romania Russia Slovakia Other 3. Specify other Country where you work:(Required)4. As part of your clinical activity, do you perform one or more of the following treatment(s) for the management of chronic venous disease (CVD)?(Required)Please select all those who apply Stripping Phlebectomy ASVAL CHIVA EVLA RFA Sclerotherapy MOCA Glue None 5. Among the previous answers of question 4, which one is the predominant one in your clinical practice, if any?(Required) Stripping Phlebectomy ASVAL CHIVA EVLA RFA Sclerotherapy MOCA Glue None Considering your personal clinical experience in the management of patients with CVD6. Please provide your description of “CVD patient”:(Required)7. In which percentage of your patients CVD is associated with cardio-metabolic diseases?(Required) Less than 1/3 Roughly half of them More than 2/3 I am not sure about the percentage 8. In your experience, which of the following risk factors have the greatest potential to cause CVD?(Required)Please select 3 from those listed below Ageing Familiarity Foot venous pump insufficiency Gender Hormone therapy (Contraception, Hormone replacement therapy) Number of pregnancies Menopause Obesity Persistent exposition to warm temperature or latitude Previous trauma at the level of the lower limbs Physical inactivity Type of dresses / shoes Smoking Unhealthy diet Pelvic venous disorder Hemorrhoidal disease Constipation Race Sport type Occupational exposure Thyroid disfunction Musculoskeletal disorders Autoimmunity 9. In your experience, which of the following cardiovascular risk factors are more important in causing the progression of CVD?(Required)Please select 3 from those listed below Ageing Familiarity Foot venous pump insufficiency Gender Hormone therapy (Contraception, Hormone replacement therapy) Number of pregnancies Menopause Obesity Persistent exposition to warm temperature or latitude Previous trauma at the level of the lower limbs Physical inactivity Type of dresses / shoes Smoking Unhealthy diet Pelvic venous disorder Hemorrhoidal disease Constipation Race Sport type Occupational exposure Thyroid disfunction Musculoskeletal disorders Autoimmunity 10. Which of the following cardiovascular comorbidities are the most prevalent, in patients with CVD, who attend your clinic?(Required)Please select 3 from those listed below Abdominal aneurysms CAD Carotid atherosclerosis Diabetes Dyslipidaemia Heart failure Arterial Hypertension Pulmonary hypertension Lower Extremity Arterial Disease Obesity Post thrombotic Syndrome 11. Whenever you visit a patient with CVD, do you measure their blood pressure?(Required) Never Yes, sometimes Yes, always 12. Do you take note of the CEAP classification of your patients with CVD?(Required) No Sometimes Yes 13. Do you consider the CEAP classification as a disease severity score?(Required) No Yes 14. Which instrument do you usually use to assess the severity of CVD in the patients who attend your clinic?(Required)More than one answer is admitted Clinical judgement CEAP classification Ultrasound Clinical questionnaire 14. Add the name the questionnaire/s you use in your clinical practice:(Required)15. Whenever there is the indication to perform a non-conservative treatment, on the basis of what do you choose which treatment to perform among the ones available:(Required)Please select 2 from those listed below Personal experience Type of treatment available in the facility / clinic where you should perform the treatment Clinical features of the patient (i.e age, multimorbidity, etc) Anatomical features Hemodynamic features Expected long term efficacy Results of clinical trials Patient’s preference Cost effectiveness Other 16. Do you prescribe venoactive medications to your patients with CVD?(Required) No Yes, always Yes, but only in those patients who have clinical symptoms related to CVD Yes, but only in those patients who don’t/cannot use elastocompression Yes, but only in those patients who don’t/cannot be submitted to a non-conservative treatment 17. If you prescribe venous active drugs, how long do you prescribe them for:(Required) Lifelong 6 months More than 3 months 3 months 2 months 1 month Until the resolution of the clinical scenario Other 17. Specify how long do you prescribe them for:(Required)18. Do you prescribe compression therapy to your patients with CVD?(Required) No Yes, always Yes, but only in those patients who have clinical symptoms related to CVD Yes, but only in those patients who don’t/cannot be submitted to a non-conservative treatment 19. If you prescribe compression therapy, how long do you prescribe it for?(Required) Lifelong 6 months More than 3 months 3 months 2 months 1 month Until the clinical scenario is resolved 20. Why do you prescribe venoactive medications:(Required)More than one answer is admitted To reduce / improve clinical symptoms/signs attributable to CVD To improve quality of life To prevent / slow down the progression of CVD To improve the results of a non-conservative treatment Other 20. Specify(Required)21. Do you consider venoactive medications an:(Required) Alternative treatment to elastocompression Alternative treatment to non-conservative treatment Alternative treatment to elastocompression AND non-conservative treatment Adjuvant treatment to elastocompression Adjuvant treatment to non-conservative treatment Adjuvant treatment to elastocompression AND non-conservative treatment None of the above 22. Do you think that venoactive therapy can assist non-conservative treatment in order to obtain a:(Required)More than one answer is admitted Reduction of CVD progression Improvement in clinical symptoms attributable to CVD Quality of life improvement Better short-term clinical results Better long-term outcomes Lower risk of post-intervention complications Lower risk of recurrence after a non-conservative procedure 23. Do you think that venoactive therapy should be prescribed before a patient will be submitted to a non-conservative treatment?(Required) No Yes, always Yes, only if patients have clinical symptoms/signs attributable to CVD 24. Do you think that venoactive therapy should be prescribed after a patient has undergone a non-conservative treatment?(Required) No It depends by the CEAP class after the procedure Yes, always Other 24. Specify(Required)25. Based on what, do you choose among the available venoactive medications?(Required) Personal experience Results of clinical trials Dispensability from the National Health Service Patient preference Other 25. Specify(Required)26. Do you prescribe nutraceutical products to your patients with CVD?(Required) No Yes 27. Do your patients with CVD ask you about nutraceutical products?:(Required) No Yes 28. As a prescribing physician, do you have any barrier to long-term prescription of venoactive therapy?(Required)More than one answer is admitted No YES, due to the cost of therapy incurred by the patient YES, in patients already receiving a significant amount of drugs YES, in those patients who did not have short-term clinical benefits. YES, due to the lack of data supporting a positive long-term cost-benefit ratio Other 28. Define other barriers(Required)29. What do you consider effective in preventing CVD progression among the following options:(Required)More than one answer is admitted Healthy lifestyle Elastocompression Venoactive medications Nutraceutical products Non conservative treatment 30. Considering all the treatments available for the management of CVD, which is the most important goal that you want to achieve when you treat your patients?(Required) To satisfy patient requests To reduce / improve clinical symptoms To improve quality of life To prevent the progression of CVD Other 30. Specify(Required)31. Thinking at your patients with CVD, how do you score their compliance to:31.a Lifestyle changes(Required)1. Poor2. Fair3. Good4. Very good5. Excellent31.b Compression therapy(Required)1. Poor2. Fair3. Good4. Very good5. Excellent31.c Medical therapy(Required)1. Poor2. Fair3. Good4. Very good5. Excellent